Buy it now button coming to Pinterest

Social media network Pinterest has seen a soar in popularity across all target markets. It hosts everything from wedding to airsoft boards. With the rise in popularity and wide categories of users many brands have jumped on the bandwagon and joined the network. Brands such as Target, Martha Stewart, Etsy, Wholefoods and Starbucks are using the website to collect pins related to their products or their customers. Clothing companies furniture and DIY stores have been especially successful in this medium.

The new Buy button will allow users to buy products directly through the site. Currently the feature will only be available for iPhone and iPad users with a wider launch set in the future. By creating this button companies can make it easier for people to shop through the platform and not have to go through laborious click throughs in order to reach the purchase page.  This will also work very well in combination with Pinterest’s current monetisation strategy based on advertising and promoted pins. Since consumers will not be able to instantly purchase items there will be a rise in profits for both the companies operating here and the social network. As a result it will attract even more companies to the social media network.


One of the main critical issues in online retailing is the loyalty (Park and Kim, 2003).

Kotler and Armstrong (1989) defined customer loyalty as a customer’s repurchase intention of a specific company or product/service. Following Anderson and Srinivasan (2003), e- loyalty is defined as consumers favourable approach toward an electronic business, resulting in repeat purchasing behaviour.

E-loyal consumers, are not just ones who seeks only the lowest prices within the market, but the ones, who accepts to pay more even at the premium prices. They tend to recommend online retailer for other consumers, which results of potential in growing profit (Reichheld et al., 2000).

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E-commerce is useful way for individuals and companies to reach new customers. Service quality delivery through Internet is an essential strategy to success, more important than price and web presence. The e-commerce Website has been identified as important impact on business activities in solving the geographical problem. Thus, businesses have to react at the speed of light, so to be dynamic.

As you will see bellow two main dimension will be focus on providing online service quality; E-service quality criteria and the effects of e-service quality (e-SQ) will be highlight through theories.

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